The supervision process with an experienced professional coach provides an awareness platform for the inhouse mentor to better understand reflection regarding mentoring meetings. This process aims to support the learning and development of the inhouse mentor’s competency in mentoring.
It is a professional support process for creating/developing an effective mentoring experience through reflection, evaluation and sharing of expertise regarding the Inhouse Mentor’s meetings.
There are 3 basic elements in Inhouse Mentor Supervision.
- Coaching the Inhouse Mentor regarding the mentoring session.
- Mentoring the Inhouse Mentor for the development of mentoring competency.
- To provide an experienced external & objective perspective to ensure the quality/effectiveness of the Inhouse Mentor’s mentoring experience.
- Creating a space for the Inhouse Mentor to reflect/evaluate the content and the process-flow of his/her session (Educational)
- Awareness and competence development for the session (Educational)
- Different perspective and knowledge acquisition regarding the session (Educational/Supportive)
- Getting feedback on the process-flow and the content (Educational/Supportive)
- Getting Support as an Individual and Inhouse Mentor (Supportive)
- Ensuring that she/he is not left alone when she/he is facing difficulties/challenges and problems as an individual and as an Inhouse Mentor (Supportive)
- Providing space for the Inhouse Mentor to express and examine possible feelings of stress, reaction, etc. arising during the session (Administrative/Supportive)
- Better planning and use of individual and professional resources (Administrative/Supportive)
- Being Pro-active instead of Reactive (Administrative/Supportive)
- Ensuring/guaranteeing the quality of the session (Administrative)
( Hawkins & Shohet -1989&2000)
There are 7 main areas covered in the supervision process.
- The System of Mentee
- The Approaches of the Inhouse Mentor
- The relationship between the Inhouse Mentor and the Mentee’s system
- The System of Inhouse Mentor
- The Relationship of the Supervision
- Personal-reflection of the Supervisor
- Wider – Holistic perspective-view